Cutting board with feet

Chopping board feet you quite possibly didn't know you needed.

Chopping board feet, I hear you say.  Why on earth would I need them? If you get infuriated with your chopping board slipping and sliding all over the counter while you're trying to prep your meals then this is a good enough reason to use a cutting board with feet.

Chopping board feet made in the UK

What are chopping board feet?

Normally they are small adhesive pads that stick to the bottom of your chopping or cutting board.  They provide stability and grip, which helps keep your board in place so you can chop, slice, and dice to your heart's content without worrying about your board doing a disappearing act. (No more board on the run!)

Why should you use them?

A few reasons come to mind.  Firstly the one that seems to be the most common reason, which is  keeping the pesky things still while using your trusty chopping board.  If you have ever tried filleting a fish you will have quite possibly know how annoying it is having the board slip and slides around.  If not then it may just be me !!

They will prevent your chopping board from slipping, that will they reduce the risk of accidents and injuries while you prep your food.

Plus, they can help prolong the life of your chopping board by minimising wear and tear as it is now lifted above the surface.

Ok so now I want some...

Awesome.  If they fit your needs then they are a great accessory well worth adding.  There are a number of options out there from cheep rubbish looking silicone self adhesive blobs you stick the bottom through to a bespoke machined brass option with a silicone pad insert that you physically screw to the Botton of your board.  It would be a bit daft not to tell you about the ones we make at

We wanted to make feet that not only were functional but also added quality and 

Functional feet are fine, but feet that are quality and  add a a little luxury are even better.  If your making that one off bespoke chopping board or already have one then our chopping board feet really will add that little extra finish you didn't realise you were missing.

They aren't just for cutting or chopping boards

One of the great things about social media and other online platforms is how they can bring people together.  I had a message from a customer who really wanted a set of feet, but wanted them in brass.  It was something I was planning on doing at some point but for some reason other projects took over.  This particular time I had just finished machining some of the feet so it seemed perfect time to load in some brass and start machining.

The end product a set of solid brass chopping board feet.  I say chopping board feet but these were actually being fitting to a jewellery box.  So remember it's always good to think outside the box and find products that can be utilised on all forms of projects, even furniture. 

So if you haven't already seen our furniture feet, jewelry box feet, chopping feet, or whatever you decide you would like to fit them too, then go check them out here or here.  They will definitely add the finishing touch to your project.


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